I'm Erika Sisel, I'm the lead wastewater operator at the Village of Denmark. Crane Engineering has been working with the Village of Denmark, I believe since that wastewater plant was built in 1980. From the records that I've seen. I've not been there since 1980! But the records show that Crane Engineering was there right from the start. They're very dependable and very reliable company, so we've never changed anything over as operators changed. They've still stuck with Crane.
Our raw sewage pumps, they change out rotating elements, they've done work on our trickling filter, degritter pumps, they've worked on pretty much every aspect of that treatment plant. They're one of the standby companies that we work with regularly.
There's some great people that work there. Craig is my favorite because he tought me how to shim a pump. I had no idea how to shim a pump. Our raw sewage pump needed some work done and he showed me how to ship them and it was extremely helpful. I can't tell you enough, that was just great. He never made me feel stupid, it was just a wonderful experience working with these guys.
The nice thing is that I can call anytime we have anything going on, I can give them a phone call and they're Jonny on the spot, there's no lag time. Eric [Finnila] is our... I don't know if he's a sales guy (he is) or whatever he is, because he's done some labor work too. I can call him whenever and he'll get back to you right away. I can send out an email to John [Witek] and get a quote in probably like an hour or two, so I never have to wait for anything.
They're really a great company.
Headquarters and Service Center
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707 Ford Street
Kimberly, WI 54136
OptiFlow Design and Build Center
1002 Truman Street
Kimberly, WI 54136
Burnsville Service Center
12265 Nicollet Avenue
Burnsville, MN 55337
Grand Rapids Service Center
26489 Industrial Blvd
Cohasset, MN 55721
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