Thin, thick, volatile, or hazardous chemicals? We can help you find the best way to meet production and performance demands. We'll help ensure the fluid system solution you put in place will lower operating costs through improved production efficiency, extended equipment life cycles, and reduced energy consumption.
Talk to one of our engineers today.
Get everything you need from the people who take the time to understand your entire process.
Download our free eBook, The Plant Engineer's Guide to Specifying CIP Systems, to guide you through properly specifying a CIP system for your specific application.
In this eBook you'll find:
Headquarters and Service Center
Located outside Green Bay, WI
707 Ford Street
Kimberly, WI 54136
OptiFlow Design and Build Center
1002 Truman Street
Kimberly, WI 54136
Burnsville Service Center
12265 Nicollet Avenue
Burnsville, MN 55337
Grand Rapids Service Center
26489 Industrial Blvd
Cohasset, MN 55721
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