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Water / Wastewater


Stop Coordinating Multiple Vendors

Get 100% turnkey Service from Crane Engineering

Got a big project that requires multiple vendors? Call Crane Engineering. We'll coordinate the job for you, freeing up time for you and your employees to work on other process improvements. Source everything you need in one call.

Our Field Services


Support From People Who've Been There

Our Account Managers are Professional Engineers and former wastewater operators. They understand your challenges and offer the technical knowledge and support to solve them.


Talk to Our Team

36 Ways to Kill Your Centrifugal Pump

Check out our free eBook, 36 Ways to Kill Your Pump, and discover 36 ways you could be inadvertently destroying your centrifugal pump!

In this eBook you'll find:

  • An in-depth look into what could be killing your centrifugal pump and why
  • Photographic evidence
  • Helpful hints for improved performance
Get Your Copy Now