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RC Ludke - Braun Electric

My name is RC Ludke, and I'm the product development manager for Braun Electric Incorporated. We are an agricultural service company in St. Nazianz and we specialize in ag waste transfer and storage systems and treatment process. 

We've been working with Crane Engineering for, I think about the last three years. One of their representatives, Jeff Simpson, hsa been service our company and our account for years previous to that, and he's always taken great care of us.

We've been working with Crane with some of the pumps that we use, the Gorman-Rupp pumps. We like working with Crane and with Jeff because of the prompt service and attention to our needs that we've been receiving from them. 

The reason we like to work with a company like Crane Engineering is because they have a more commercial or industrial line of equipment than some of the other vendors that call on us. They have specialty equipment that is meeting the changes in our specific business. The Ag business is kind of morphing. We're getting a lot more into treatment and process, and Crane has technical support, Crane has parts and service and having somebody be able to come out to our shop and deal with our specific needs is important to us. Moreso than just a catalogue sales, where you open the book and try to help yourself out.

We've had instances in the past where we'll have... in our industry it's not the norm for people to have backup equipment and we've had incidents where critical components have gone down. Crane has been there for us in those occasions to go in, even after hours for emergency service to try to help us out. Trying to get us the pieces we need so that we can keep these systems up and operating.

I would really never recommend Crane to other people in my industry, because I like to keep any advantages that I know of personal and close to my chest because that keeps me more competitive in the marketplace.



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