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LIAG® DMV Pigging System
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LIAG® DMV Pigging System


The LIAG® DMV Pigging System is a specialized solution designed for sterile processes with stringent demands on system components. Featuring CIP/SIP LIAG® free flow arc and pigging valves, along with specifically designed pig launching and receiving stations without dead pockets, this system simplifies modular component design, minimizing typical hygienic risk areas. All LIAG® arc valves, even when welded in place, can be easily disassembled for maintenance, ensuring optimal performance and ease of use.

The DMV lip pigs used in this system are of homogeneous construction, adhering to hygienic design principles. They offer excellent cleaning effect, are virtually free of wear, and feature dynamic lips that form a reliable sealing, accommodating perfectly to existing deviations in pipe geometry. Available in silicone and in nominal widths DN 40 - 100 (1.5" - 4"), these pigs are highly flexible and suited for tight radii (R = 1.5 x D).


  • Sterile and closed pipe system, eliminating dead pockets with LIAG® CIP/SIP free flow arc valves.
  • Optimized cleaning results with dynamic DMV silicone lip pigs.
  • Capable of passing 90° standard bends (R = 1.5 x D).
  • Available with in-system cleaning of the pig.
  • Optionally 3-A (101-00) and FDA compliant.
  • Sizes range from DIN DN40 – DN100 / SMS 38 – 102 / Inch 1.5" – 4".
  • Easy disassembly of LIAG® arc valves for maintenance, even when welded in place.


Optimally suited for hygienic processes and highly viscous, fast-hardening media, such as:

  • Yogurt
  • Dressings
  • Soft cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Toothpaste


  • One-Way: Manual return of pig.
  • Single Loop: Automatic pig return from receiving loop to launching station using LIAG® pig diverter valve, followed by manual change of direction (semi-automated).
  • Bi-directional Turning/Cleaning Stations: Automatic pig return using LIAG® pig turning station (closed system CIP/SIP automated).
  • Double Loop (Bi-directional): Automatic pig return using LIAG® pig diverter valves (closed system CIP/SIP automated).
  • Ring System: Closed system CIP/SIP automated.


For this processes we offer DMV pigging systems featuring CIP/SIP LIAG® free flow arc- and pigging valves and specifically designed pig launching and receiving stations without dead pockets. Simplifying the modular component design, thread and clamp unions are virtually no longer needed, minimizing typical hygienic risk areas by design. All LIAG® arc valves, even when welded in place, can be easily disassembled for maintenance.


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