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ITT Engineered Valves Fabri-Valve® 33 PTA Heavy Duty Slurry Valve
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ITT Engineered Valves Fabri-Valve® 33 PTA Heavy Duty Slurry Valve


The Fabri-Valve 33 PTA Heavy Duty Slurry Valve incorporates a push-through design for heavy slurry service. Full ported valve eliminates turbulence and has no metal parts in contact with media. Sleeves are molded with an integral, fully encapsulated, stiffener ring and are replaceable without disassembling the valve. The valve gate is completely withdrawn from the process flow when in the open position and the seat design is without a cavity where solids usually collect.


Size Range
  • 3” - 24” (DN 80-600)
Pressure Ratings
  • 3” - 24” (DN 80-600): 100 psi CWP (6.9 bar)
  • 26” - 36” (DN 650-900): 75 psi CWP (5.2 bar)
  • Optional gate materials are available to accommodate higher pressure requirements. Consult factory for larger sizes and higher pressure ratings.
Temperature Rating
  • Natural rubber sleeves = -50°F – 180°F (-46°C – 82°C)


ITT Engineered Valves are essential equipment in industries ranging from mining to biopharmaceuticals, from nuclear operations to oil sands. With experience in valve development, design, manufacturing, installation and automation, product offerings include market-leading industrial knife-gate and hygienic diaphragm valves.


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