Our team of fluid process professionals is ready to help you improve uptime, increase production, and make your work environments safer. Check out the videos below to learn how we help companies like yours reach their goals.
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Take a 360° virtual tour of Crane Engineering, and learn how we help customers succeed with fluid process.
Meet Rob Adair and learn more about our Service Center in Grand Rapids
Justin and the rest of your team are ready to help you solve fluid process challenges.
Jason helps companies like yours reduce inventory, improve reliability, and increase production.
Meet Bob and the other fluid process professionals on your team. We're ready to help.
Rick has a long track record of helping customers solve fluid process challenges.
Crane provides training throughout the year for you and your team. Here's a sample of a virtual training.
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Headquarters and Service Center
Located outside Green Bay, WI
707 Ford Street
Kimberly, WI 54136
OptiFlow Design and Build Center
1002 Truman Street
Kimberly, WI 54136
Burnsville Service Center
12265 Nicollet Avenue
Burnsville, MN 55337
Grand Rapids Service Center
26489 Industrial Blvd
Cohasset, MN 55721
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